In light of doling out suggestions on reading more books, I thought I’d share the list of books I’m planning to read this year. These are always subject to change, and I’ve purposely not included enough for each week of the year because 1. I’ll come across more recommendastions–perhaps even from you–and 2. new books published this year will catch my eye and get added to the list.
You’ll notice some books on this list have a * beside them–that means I’ve already read the book and I’m planning on reading it again. Some books are that good.
I’ve assembled my list from a myriad of sources: blogs that I follow, Twitter links, personal recommendations, and from the book behemoth Amazon itself. I’ve included affiliate links so you can snag copies for your reading pleasure.
I can’t endorse any of these books that I haven’t read yet[footnote]Weird, huh?.[/footnote] and I’m mostly taking other people’s word on them. This is the part where I wash my hands of any books you pick up and absolutely hate on this list. Maybe we can hate them together at the end of the year.
Without further ado, in no particular order, my 2015 incomplete reading list.
- Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God – Timothy Keller
- God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-love of God Reorients Our World – David F. Wells
- In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel Centered Life – Sinclair Ferguson
- Flesh: Bringing the Incarnation Down to Earth – Hugh Halter
- To Live Is Christ to Die Is Gain – Matt Chandler
- *Knowing God – J.I. Packer
General Christian
- Accidental Pharisees: Avoiding Pride, Exclusivity, and the Other Dangers of Overzealous Faith – Larry Osborne
- The Pastor’s Kid: Finding Your Own Faith and Identity – Barnabas Piper
- iGods: How Technology Shapes Our Spiritual and Social Lives – Craig Detweiler
- The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected – Nik Ripken
- Fight: Winning the Battles That Matter Most – Craig Groeschel
- Questioning Evangelism – Randy Newman
- Nothing Is Impossible with God: Reflections on Weakness, Faith, and Power – Rose Marie Miller
- How People Change – Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp
- Facing Leviathan – Mark Sayers
- The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done – Peter Drucker
- The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters – Albert Mohler
- Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Tedd Tripp
- On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep – Gary Ezzo
Personal Development
- How the World Sees You: Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination – Sally Hogshead
- *How to Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnegie
- *7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
- Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success – Shane Snow
- Email – David Sparks
- *Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity – David Allen
History / Politics
- The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left – Yuval Levin
- Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World – Daniel Hannan
- Washington: A Life – Ron Chernow
- Right Ho, Jeeves – P. G. Wodehouse
- Infinite Jest – David Foster Wallace