I’m not comfortable asking people for money. I’m especially uncomfortable when I’m offering something of little value.
When I was growing up, I hated pushing candy bars. I hated book orders. I hated “selling” anything in fundraising form.
I could never quite nail the approach of the sale…
“Would you like to buy a [fill in the blank with crappy product] for only [an unreasonable price] so our school doesn’t shut down?”
It’s impossible to sell something you don’t believe in.
You might be able to fight it for a while. You might be able to trick yourself into believing what you’re hocking is a good product. At some point, however, the house of cards is going to fall, and you’re going to lose hope.
I’ve tried it before. I’ve been scammed into selling things I don’t believe in. It didn’t work. I gave up.
What I’m selling here is something I believe in. I’m selling one day for the lives of 250 people.
What I’m selling is more than my birthday. More than an As Seen on TV product you’re going to be sorely disappointed with.
I’m selling a chance to save lives.
A chance to impact people on the other side of the world. A chance to bring a basic need to people who will die without it.
This birthday isn’t about me. This sale isn’t for a Snuggie or a Shamwow.
It’s about helping your fellow human beings.
It’s about giving generously because you’ve been blessed to live in the world’s most prosperous nation.
I could give you a list of 22 reasons why you should donate. Or 22 things I’ll do if we break $5,000. Or give testimonials of 22 people who have already donated.
I could tell you, “It’s ok if you don’t want to give.” I could tell you water isn’t that big of a deal. I could apologize for my tone, or my bombardment of your inboxes and feeds.
Instead, I’m going to tell it like it is.
45,000 people died last week. Another 45,000 are going to die this week. A child dies every 20 seconds. 1 billion people are thirsty.
All because of water.
I’m asking you to save lives. I’d be a fool to pass up presenting this opportunity to you. This isn’t a plea for money. This is a chance for you to make a profound difference in someone else’s life today.
No matter what you’ve done or didn’t do. No matter how many Salvation Army bell ringers you’ve passed up or people in need you’ve failed to help, now is your chance to do something. I‘ve missed the same opportunities. I’ve left people out in the cold, failed to help those in need, failed to support people who are dying because I was too selfish.
I just decided enough is enough.
Will you do the same?
Click here to donate clean water and save lives.