
My 5 Favorite Podcasts (that Will Change Your Life)

I hate wasting time. I’m totally on board with not multi-tasking, but some things are meant to be done simultaneously. I like listening to non-fiction audiobooks (library, FTW) when I drive and podcasts when I’m doing the dishes. They make driving and dish washing much more pleasant.


Before I launch into a big pile of dishes, I always queue up a podcast. (Note: I normally do the dishes because Niki always cooks the delicious meals that made the dishes dirty. There should be a rule in families that no one can cook and do the dishes. That’s the worst)

Here are a few of my favorite podcasts. I’d love to hear some of your favorites in the comments.

The Dave Ramsey Show

Topic: Personal Finance
Run time: 40 minutes
New episodes: Every weekday

If you’ve been around here long, you know I’m a Dave fanatic. Yes, we’re still on a first name basis.

His podcast is one hour (with the major commercials removed) of his normal 3-hour talk radio show, where he responds to listener’s questions the whole time, with an occasional rant on big government, out of control spending and laziness thrown in.

I love his podcast on finances because it’s always a motivator for me to continue to “live like no one else so we can give like no one else.” I don’t always agree with some of Dave’s comments, but his philosophy of getting out of debt, investing and staying out of debt is simple and extremely effective. This podcast is always good for a laugh, and once you become extra nerdy, it’s fun to predict how Dave will answer questions.

One big bummer: you can only download yesterday’s show, and there are no archives for the podcast. I’m sure Dave does this so people will pay to subscribe to his plan where you have unlimited access to his show (and much more) for $90 a year.

Pro tip: Use the podcast 15 second+ button to start around 1:15 in the show to skip the initial sponsor commercial.

Best part: hearing how people get out of debt
Worst part: the actual debt free scream, yeesh Craig Groeschel

Topic: Christianity
Run time: 30 minutes
New episodes: Saturday (but he’s been on a preaching break this summer)

Craig Groeschel is one of my favorite pastors. I’ve read almost all of his books, and he’s incredibly authentic and challenging. His sermons always hit home with me. I listen to the majority of his content, and I have never been disappointed. Always timely, challenging and fun. This guy just loves Jesus.

Best part: spot on sermons
Worst part: no updates this summer

This Is Your Life with Michael Hyatt

Topic: Leadership and Productivity
Run time: 25 – 45 minutes
New episodes: Once a week, on Wednesday at 6:00am

Michael Hyatt is one of my favorite bloggers (and one big reason why I started my blog). His podcast is top notch and focuses on different aspects leadership and tools and tips for productivity. He normally spends half of the podcast detailing the show’s topic and giving his thoughts, and he spends the second half responding to pre-recorded listener questions.

Michael is incredibly methodical and I so appreciate his wisdom and insight. He does a great job fielding questions and making action steps tangible.

Best part: clear, concise information
Worst part: not every show topic is created equal

Mac Power Users with David Sparks and Katie Floyd

Topic: Apple Tips + Tricks
Run time: 1.5 hours
New episodes: Once a week, on Sunday evenings

I just discovered this podcast and I’ve listened to probably 10 episodes in the last two weeks. It’s a show about Apple products: from iOS to Macs to everything in between.

It’s a long show, and they have a tendency to get side tracked because they have so much time, but it’s normally good, helpful tangents.

I love the shows when they talk about apps and automation. It’s been an expensive show for me to listen to, because they’ve persuaded me to download a bunch of apps (which hopefully will pay off in the long run). It’s personal, fun and super informative.

Best part: learning about new, great apps
Worst part: spending money on new apps

The Productive Life Podcast with Andy Traub and Daniel Gold

Topic: Evernote Productivity
Run time: 30 – 45 minutes
New episodes: Sporadic, about every other week

This is a podcast all about Evernote. I’ve learned some great tips and tricks in using Evernote more effectively. They normally have a guest on every show to share about how they integrate Evernote into their lives. It’s always a diverse mix of guests with lots of different backgrounds, so it’s fun to hear how people adapt the tool to fit their needs.

These guys get super side-tracked, and sometimes they turn what should be one show into two shows because they just can’t get through the questions in content. Their likable guys though, and the show format is growing on me. I just can’t resist Evernote tips.

Best part: awesome Evernote hacks
Worst part: mega tangents

Question: What are some of your favorite podcasts?
