Moving is essential.
It’s not easy. You’re going to think about going back. But at some point, somewhere along the way, you have to say: It’s time to pull the trigger.
I’ve officially dove in head first, my friends. The pool is kind of shallow, and now my neck kind of hurts.
You see, I’ve been entertaining [or at least, attempting to entertain] the interwebs for about 15 months, and I decided it was time to ditch the diapers and put on my big boy pants.
My blog has officially moved to the more prestigious,
While you were stuffing your face with turkey and elbowing moms fighting over $1 underwear on Black Friday, I was hustling to make this move happen just in time for the last few hours of Cyber Monday.
Here’s the way I see the over-all incredulousness of the blog increasing:
Highlights of the big move:
12% more time spent fiddling with the design
15% more whitespace [yay, minimalism!]
63% more blogging activity
73% more likelihood of generating guest posts
100% more legit in every way
For a grand total of….[carrying the one]….
263% more awesomeness all-around.
Here are the unfortunate things about the move:
- If you Google me or my blog, my old WordPress site is going to continue coming up until I blow it up [date set for December 31, 2010, well before the Mayans are predicting the end of the world]
- Links in all of my blogs [currently] link back to the old site, which is a bummer [but if anyone has a quick/dirty/easy way to update it so they back link to this blog, well, I promise to tweet about your greatness]
- If you subscribe by email, you’ll need to resubscribe here: If you subscribe by RSS, by the magic of Feedburner your feed is already updated. Hooray!
Here’s what I’m committing to blogging about:
- Faith
- Giving
- Ideas
- Influence
- Leadership
- Motley [as defined by a collection containing a variety of sorts of things; not to be confused with the Crüe]
This move means more time, more problems, and probably more headaches. It also, more importantly, means more opportunity, more room for creative genius, and more reward for the work put in.
It’s worth it. It’s not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is.
The blogosphere is my oyster. I hope you’ll be here to dig in with me.
Loving the redesign, Shirk