I’ve never had a perfect blog post.
When I post something, I assume it’s perfect. Then I re-read it, scoff at the glaring errors, and hack away at it like I’m a rainforest tour guide. Reword. Re-edit. Follow up. And then it’s done.
Until I find another error. Rinse and repeat.
That’s what’s great about something dynamic like a blog—you can change it whenever you need to fix something.
Do you know what’s an even more dynamic piece of art that’s totally, 100 percent editable?
Your life.
You can’t take back things once you’ve said them, but you can apologize when you screw something up. Strive for the best you can on the first pass. Think before you speak, but don’t think you won’t make mistakes.
Why are we preconditioned to think everything we produce has to be perfect? We’re not the Mona Lisa. We’re more like a graffiti wall in a constant state of editing.
Each and every day we make decisions we wish we could take back. Say things we shouldn’t have. And then we go back and edit
There’s no reaching perfection here on Earth. You’ve got to put your best foot forward, and do whatever you can to give your best effort on your first attempt.
It won’t be perfect. You’ll have glaring errors in your work, your relationships, your life. And then you edit.
If you approached every day as if you had to live mistake free, there’d be no sense in getting out of bed.
Live your life. Do your best on the first pass. Feel free to make your mistakes. Always be willing to edit.