Command + F is a helpful shortcut to remember; it allows you to search and find a word or phrase in a document. It works just about anywhere you can find text on a Mac. [footnote]For my Windows friends, that’s Control + F.[/footnote]



Normally, when I’m trying to refer back to a website, especially one that is poorly organized, I use Command + F to find text quickly. For a long time, I didn’t think this was possible on an iPhone or iPad because, well, there isn’t a Command button.

Alas, I was sorely mistaken, and to my delight I discovered that you can search and find words on a webpage via Safari with iOS. The feature name is “On This Page” but it’s hidden better than a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Here’s where to find it and how to use it.

  1. Head to a website where you need to find something on a page.
  2. Once the website loads, tap the address bar.
  3. Type the word or phrase you’re looking for into the address bar, but don’t hit Go.
  4. Down at the bottom, below the suggested websites from your history, you’ll see “On This Page” with the number of matches for that word on that particular page.
  5. Click the word or phrase you typed below On This Page and use the arrows in the bottom left corner to skim through all the occurrences on that page.
  6. Revel in the glory of finding words you didn’t think you could.

Here’s a quick screencast of the feature in action.