It’s the eve of my last day as a Columbus resident.  Even in this megapost, I can’t fully explain to you the amount of growth, enjoyment, and learning I experienced this summer.  I heard good things about the state capital, but I couldn’t have predicted the pure joy I would end up having here in the ‘bus over the past 11 weeks.

I’ve decided to give a shout out to some of my favorite things that made totally blew me away here in Columbus.  I’d love to give thanks to all of my 614 friends, but the list is too long, and I couldn’t do you all justice in a single post.  Quite frankly, friends, you were too good to me, and I was so blessed to have you around.

At any rate, to do David Letterman one better, here’s the “Top 11 Things That Rocked My-Summer-Socks Off in Columbus” (written as if all of the following inanimate items were actually human beings I could give a big-ol’-goodbye bear hug to).

11.  I-270.  For an Akron boy used to highways that run only North and South or East and West, you opened my eyes to the world of an interstate that runs in all directions. You took me around the entire city (literally).  You were my go-to route whenever I needed to get anywhere in the Columbus metro area, and I was often confused by your directional naming conventions.  I needed to go East, but you told me North.  I thought I wanted South, but you insisted on West. But at the end of the day, if I picked the wrong way, you’d always bring me right back to where I needed to go.  Thanks for being the most confusing circle in the history of shape-based highways.

10.  Neighbornet—When life gives you only an internet modem and not a wireless router, turn to your neighbor’s unlocked internet connection for all of your browsing needs.  Neighbornet, you’re one of a kind.  You treated me so well with your speed, constant uptime, and free, unlimited usage.  You let me onto your network and allowed me access as if you were my own.  We need more open connections like you in this world, my friend.

9.  Reading List—You turned an enjoyable hobby like reading into an expensive obsession.  I spent almost as much money on books as I did on food this summer, but you made it all worth it, Reading List.  With true gems like How to Win Friends and Influence People, Mere Christianity, Ultramarathon Man, and Season of Life, you expanded my knowledge like a bicep on steroids.  Kudos, Reading List, for keeping me up late and breaking the bank.  We’ve got a long, long future together.

8.  Netflix—I would have been a total nerd thanks to Reading List, but you made me a real tough guy with movies like Gladiator and A Few Good Men.  I streamed your wonderful HD-quality movies, and numbed my mind for hours upon hours after breaking mental sweats in the pages of books.  I used you sporadically, but you embraced my erratic-movie-watching habits.  You are totally worth the monthly fee I pay you to be my friend.

7.  Weekends—I lived for you, Weekends.  Whenever the 8-to-5 had me down, I knew you’d lift me up from the depths of the workweek for an incredible two-day, two-night adventure.  I can’t wait to officially make you three days long come this fall in the absence of Friday classes and real-world responsibilities.

6.  Kroger—You opened my eyes to the world of fresh produce and over-priced organic food.  Your free samples often tricked me into buying things I didn’t need, and your bright lighting allowed me to spend too many hours perusing your shelves and examining all of your nutrition labels.  My conversion to healthy eating wouldn’t have been possible without you.  For all of that, Kroger, I thank you.  You’ll continue to dupe me with your Kroger Card (which is the best marketing ploy ever) for a long time to come.

5.  Cardinal Health—As far as Corporate America goes, you’re pretty stinkin’ cool.  Unfortunately, I’m not sure I can see much of a future with us together (“It’s not you, it’s me”).   Cardinal, you would be at the top of my list for companies to spend the rest of my life with (or at least work for).  Great people, great environment, great future together (if I didn’t have the entrepreneurship itch).

  1. Apartment—You showed the signs of wear and tear when I met you, but I nurtured you back to health.  You impressed friends and housed me and a couple great guys this summer.  You saw dinners and debates, feuds fueled and friendships formed.  Thanks for being a great shelter for the summer and for giving me two remarkable roommates I was blessed to share you with.

3.  Grace Brethren—I was an orphan and you scooped me up, dusted off my shoulders, and welcomed me in like I was family.  I met some absolutely amazing people through you, and I learned so much from your challenging teaching and fellowship this summer.  I won’t soon forget you or your community of believers.

2.  Blogging—This post wouldn’t be possible without you (bah-dum-ch).  I wrote you off before, but you’re back (for the right reasons), and I think you’re here to stay.  I’d love to make our relationship more professional, and maybe someday we can work that out.  For now, I’ll keep at you like a horse after a dangling carrot.  I’ve got a whole lot more to learn, and I know you’re going to help me sort out my thoughts in more megaposts just like this.  You’re the best soapbox I could ask for.  Thanks for welcoming this neophyte to the world of web logs.

1.  Friendships—You didn’t think I’d snub you in the midst of your namesake week did you?  The friendships I built this summer absolutely rocked my world.  It’s tough to make friends and develop relationships within a two-and-a-half-month timeframe.  Somehow, I was blessed with opportunities to meet so many extraordinary people and reconnect with some fantastic friends from the past.  Friends of Columbus, I wish you were coming with me, but I’m certain we’ll see each other again soon.  Thanks for the best summer I can remember—it would have been nothing without you.