Making the Facebook News Feed Better with Unfollowing
Facebook is only as useful as the information it provides. Unfortunately, the default settings for the world’s largest social network intends to show posts from every person and page you follow (and a bunch that you don’t thanks to ads). That’s a nightmare. Thankfully, you’ve got options for tailoring your timeline so you don’t have to give up on it all together.[footnote]Unless you want to, and in that case, you’ve got my utmost respect.[/footnote] Facebook has an interesting dilemma–the more posts they show, the more likely you are to return. However, if they only show you crap you don’t give a hoot about, you’ll give up. So, they have to make it so you can tweak what you see, but not so much that they can’t sell ad space. This is the problem of being a product instead of buying a product. Before we start, you may be asking, “Why don’t I just unfriend or unfollow this person or page?” Well, maybe that’s what you should do, but if you’re scared of being viewed as mean, rude, or malicious, I’m helping provide a less intimidating option ...