
Fighting The Resistance

Today I told The Resistance to shut up.

It wasn’t easy. But I did it (and when it questioned me, I asked “Did I stutter?“)

You see, The Resistance is a deceiver. It distracts and deters and diminishes and defiles.

It tells you lies.

Lies like:

You can put off that project until next quarter.
You don’t need to reach out to people.
The status quo is all that can be expected.

It’s the voice in the back of your head that all too often wins out.

The one that reasons you out of doing meaningful work.
The one that keeps you from having a tough conversation.
The one that tells you that failure is imminent.
The one that tells you to check your post views to validate your work

I was scared.

I was scared to write my first non-recap related blog post in weeks.

I was scared that I had no value to add, no thoughts to convey, no meaning to transmit in a world with too much content.

So I knew I had to do it.

I knew I had to tell you (yes you, on Facebook, checking your email) that today is the day you can shut up The Resistance to.

Don’t go to another website. Don’t tweet another link. Don’t walk to the water cooler to see if the Dixie cups need replaced.

Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. – Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

Today, do something you’re scared to do. It won’t be easy, but few things that are worth doing ever are.


One thought on “Fighting The Resistance

  1. Niki says:

    I was afraid to even comment on this post to say how much I enjoyed it, feeling my thoughts and opinions are irrelevant and not worth sharing. But at the end of a post challenging me to face even such a small fear, how do I not accept that challenge?

    Thinking back on times in my life when I was afraid, but went forward and did it anyway, they ended up being some of the most significant conversations or interactions I have had. It reminds me of a book by Joyce Meyers, “Do It Afraid.” Awesome post, JShirk. I’m glad you didn’t let your fear hold you back from writing this post =)

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