
How to Get a New Hand of Cards After a Bad Deal

“You’ve got to play the hand you’re dealt.”
– Merle, The Walking Dead


Is Merle’s quote true? Perhaps, to some degree, in some ways, at some time. But not today. Not any more. Not in the ways that matter most today. No, Merle, not in the slightest.

Am I responding to a fictitious character’s quote from a zombie TV show and drawing real-life parallels while we wade through Poker analogies to disprove him? Yes.

Let’s talk about how we can get a new hand professionally, relationally and spiritually. Continue reading


My Morning Manifesto: How 4 Minutes Can Change Your Day

I’m forgetful. I’m a very good forgetter of important things.

Somehow, I manage to forget some of the most critical parts of my life. Like loving God and my wife. That I’ll die. My life is not a vacation. Simple things that are hard to remember all at once.

I decided it was time to write a manifesto. Things I need reminded of daily. Things I know somewhere in the deep recesses of my heart, but that I can’t seem to surface without some brain-jarring via morning reading.

I’ve printed this list out to read through each morning, before I do anything else. It takes less than 4 minutes to read aloud and it’s full of truth, high fives and pointer-fingers driven into the chest. It may seem a bit harsh at times, but it’s what I need from myself.

Feel free to remind me when you see me forgetting these things. Also, I’d love to hear if you do anything to remind yourself of truth you need to hear each morning.


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How I Meditate on The Word of God Day and Night

One of the most challenging Bible passages to me is in Psalm 1:2. It says:

…his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

I’m deliberate about spending time in God’s Word each morning–a spiritual discipline that’s taken me a long time to develop. I know if I try to tackle my day without feasting on God’s Word, it’s nearly impossible for me to walk in His Spirit. If I go a few days without spending time reading and mediating on the Bible, look out.  At that point, my sin has gravitated to the surface and is bursting out of my skin.

open bible

Something I’ve done a poor job of is spending time mediating on God’s word at night. First, let’s define what mediation is. I love what John Piper says,

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