
My 2013 Goals

It’s a bit late to post a blog about goals for the year if you’re trying to figure out new year’s resolutions, but it’s definitely not too late if you’re just curious about what I’m striving toward this year.

2013 goals

Read 52 books

This is lofty, but I’m on pace so far at a book per week. I nearly hit 40 books last year, so I think it’s attainable. Living overseas helps in the sense that there are less relationalĀ opportunities (because I’m an extrovert but my old age is transforming me into an introvert).

Study 12 books of the Bible

Niki and I are doing this together. One book of the Bible each month. We’ve never read the Bible on a reading plan together, so it’s been a joy to share insights with each other as we go. We tried to plan so we had a mix of Old Testament and New Testament along with different types of books. I normally read two to four chapters each day, and go through the book as many times as I can.

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My 2013 Reading List

I love hearing about what other people are reading, so I wanted to do unto others as I would have them do unto me–share books I’m hoping to read.

There are now hundreds of thousands of books published every year In a world of information abundance, I hate picking up a book that isn’t worth my time.

2013 reading list

Here are the topics I’m most interested in:

  • Jesus
  • Marriage
  • Stewardship
  • Discipleship
  • Leadership
  • Theology
  • Missiology
  • Exegesis
  • Christian Living
  • Biography

Here’s this year’s partial list. I’m sure I won’t read all of these books, and there are others I’ll likely come across and pick up instead of some listed below. I’ve listed the book title and author and they’re sorted by category. If you want to find the list on Amazon organized by title, click here.

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