
My Life According to Water [The 3 Reasons I Can’t Live Without H2O]

[This post is a transcript of a Toastmaster’s Icebreaker speech I gave Wednesday, November 10, 2010. If you’re a reader, scroll down. If you’re a listener, press play. If you like sing alongs, press play and then scroll down. If you’re about curious what I look like when I give speeches, well, that’s taken care of too. I’ve found togas command respect.]

My Life According to Water by jshirk


Water is life’s mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.
– Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Albert and I are on the same page. I think water is incredibly important. More than just being the precursor to the “ice” of an ice breaker, water is life. I’ve identified three key dimensions in my life that revolve around water. Drinking water helps me complete my daily activities. Living water, my faith in God that guides me, and charity: water, an organization that has inspired me to help people gain access to clean water on the other side of the globe. Continue reading
