
Why Long Lists Online are Worthless and How to Fix Them

Long lists attract people.

100 ways to lose weight overnight without trying

97 things Jesus never said but you wish he did

223 ways to make a rocket ship out of a broken paper clip

I think lengthy lists can be valuable, especially when they contain helpful resources in niche areas. I’m pro-list, as I’ve crafted my fair share of them.


I made a list of 14 lessons I learned from living and leading abroad, the 28 things you need to know to teach yourself design, and 30 questions to evaluate your work performance.

However, Matt Ragland’s post at Life, Prioritized on the problem with long lists challenged me. Here’s what Matt says, Continue reading


The Most Important App for Your Digital Life: Evernote

Imagine a junk drawer that had a search bar. You throw everything you’ll ever need into it, but when it comes time to dig out the scissors, rubberbands, or a half used q-tip, you’ll find what you’re looking for in no time.

Meet your digital junk drawer: Evernote.


I tried to use Evernote a few years ago and I gave up on it fairly quickly. I was using it all wrong. I found if you aren’t using it for everything it’s more of a hassle than a help. It should become your go-to app for absolutely everything that you’re writing, archiving, and referencing digitally.

To get started with Evernote, head to and click on the Get Started link near the middle of the page. They also have an app for practically every kind of smartphone.

Here are a couple quick pointers: Continue reading
