
14 Invaluable Leadership Lessons I Learned from Living Abroad

Leading overseas is exactly like leading in your home country. Except you don’t speak the language, know the customs or feel emotionally stable.

After living in Slovenia for the last 6 months and leading a team of incredible friends as we trust God for a student-led movement following Jesus, I’ve learned a few things. This is the advice I’d give if I could give a pep-talk to my pre-departure self.

leaders hands in

1. Acknowledge that you are under-qualified.

Two weeks of training and one year of vocational ministry experience before moving to a country where you don’t speak the language is not enough to be qualified. My team of recent college grads were all as qualified as I was to lead a team. Unfortunately, everyone was completely perplexed about what it would take to build a movement of college students making disciples of Jesus.

Embrace all of your inadequacies. You can’t lead on your own, but God can lead through you. Continue reading


The Best Banks in The United States

Unless you’re a caveman, you probably put your money in some type of bank. You may stash your money with a mega-corporate bank (aka The Man). In that case you likely pay fees for your bank to hold onto and useyour money or you jump through hoops to make sure you avoid stupid fees from said institution.

I consider myself a bit of a bank connoisseur. Currently, we have five financial institutions at our disposal, and yes, that is too many. If it wasn’t for my rational wife, we’d have even more because I’m a bank addict (further confirming I’m an absolute nerd).

charles schwab and ally bank

From purely anecdotal evidence, lots of people have banks they are moderately happy or even unhappy with, but they don’t know what their other options are or don’t have time to research new options. Friends, your banking problem is about to get solved.

Things I commonly hear from people with subpar banking experiences or from those rationalizing paying fees to bank:

  • “My faceless, gimmicky, corporate, bloodsucking bank is everywhere, so I can always find an ATM.”
  • “I’ve always had an account there, so it’s easier to stick with them.”
  • “They have good technology.”
  • “I have a credit card with them, so I might as well have my bank with them.” Continue reading