When you’re in a group of people and you’re being chased by a bear, how fast do you have to run to make sure you won’t get eaten?
Faster than the slowest person.
Now consider the process of being picked from a pool of applicants for a job, the process of gaining a new customer, or being the winning contestant on The Bachelorette.
To win the job, win the customer, or win the “dream” woman, you have to outrun all of the other contestants to survive. Lucky for you, they all run at the same speed.
The vast majority of people run at the same speed as everyone else.
Anyone can submit a resume online.
Anyone can spam a customer.
Anyone can apply to be on a “reality” TV show.
None of those things take more than the click of a button. So, if anyone can do what you’re doing, why do you think you deserve it?
Common answers most often included:
“My resume is solid.”
“Our price is reasonable.”
“My personality is fun.”
There are a whole lot of solid, reasonable, fun people out there, and they’re all saying the same thing as you.
Here’s the reality check. You are not entitled to anything other than a self-directed pat on the back for being just like everyone else.
If you want to stand out, if you want to get the job, get the customer, or get the girl, you’ve got to be willing to run faster than the rest.
If you want the job, you’ve got to make a phone call, send along three sheets of outstanding recommendations, direct HR to your personal blog, and show them out-of-this-world projects to wow a future employer and literally show them what makes you better.
If you want the customer, you have to be an over-the-top advocate for them, provided an unbelievable service, show the value of what you’re doing, and give out the contact information for current clients that will pass along glowing reports of how unbelievable your product is.
If you want the significant other you’ve got to bring a dozen roses on the first date, send a thank you card for something little, be willing to be authentic, and show you’re not like the rest of the world through your actions and not just through what you say.
Mediocrity will get you eaten by the bear. Remarkability will allow you to watch everyone else get eaten.
(Photo provided by Alan Vernon.)