When you wake up each morning, why do you do what you do?

From the coffee you drink to the friends you talk to. Decisions you stir over to the books you read. Why?

Will you get more energy? More satisfaction? More money? More friends? More knowledge?

Every single act you perform has some motive behind it.

You eat because you’re hungry (or bored or depressed). You go to work to fulfill your purpose (or pay the bills or get out of the house). You go on vacation to spend time with family or friends (or relax or try to escape reality).

At the heart of every single thing you do every single day, there’s a driving force—a (potentially subconscious) factor that steers your choices.

Now, what if you did everything with only the best intentions?

When you hate your job, what if you worked like you loved it?
When you’re too tired to listen, what if you empathically listened to your family?
When you have nothing to gain from doing the right thing, what if you did it anyway?
When you gave freely of something, what if you expected nothing in return (not even that fuzzy feeling inside)?

What would that say about your life if you only acted with the best intentions of others in mind?