Today, you have a boatload of things to accomplish. Projects to finish, errands to run, resolutions you (already) have to get back on track.
You have two options. First, you can worry.
You can stress out about not getting them done.
You can think about all of the consequences of failing to finish what you have to complete today.
You can theorize about all of the terrible things that will happen if you don’t pick up a gallon of milk before the day is over. Tomorrow morning you won’t be able to eat your Coco Puffs effectively crashing your schedule into a brick wall and wasting another day this week.
You might as well chalk the first full week of the New Year up as a loss if your first two working days are already down the tubes.
The second option? Take action.
The day hasn’t even started yet—what are you worrying for? Decide what has to be completed today and make moves to ensure completion. If you have long term goals (like running a marathon), get your butt out of bed, get to the gym, and don’t stop ‘till you get enough.
What’s the sense in worrying about running? Just do it.
If you want to accomplish things, worry won’t work. It won’t help you, it won’t motivate you—it will simply paralyze you.
Don’t let the possibilities of today be ruined by the worry of tomorrow.
Guess what, I worried that I had no coffee for today, since I gave you my coffee grinder and beans. I survived on half a pot, and now I can get going. Glad to see the blog is back!
Have a great day, and get going!
Very inspiring jshirk
Love it dude. Something I struggled with a lot last quarter.
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