When you run 26.2 miles, expect to be sore the next day.
And the day after that. And the day after that.
It takes everything out of you. Mentally, physically, emotionally–you are drained.
![You're Gonna Be Sore](http://www.sxc.hu/pic/l/j/ja/jard_jard/1210701_89603694.jpg)
Photo Provided by jard_jard: http://www.sxc.hu/profile/jard_jard
But it’s all worth it. The feeling of a crash after you achieve what you set out to do makes the finish line that much sweeter.
Any time you push yourself beyond your limits, stretch passed what people say you can do, dig down so deep and spend every ounce of energy you have, you’re gonna be sore. It wouldn’t be right if you felt like it never happened the next day.
The soreness is a reminder of your achievement. When you stay up all night to finish the perfect paper, when you sacrifice your time, energy and lunch breaks to create a a project that knocks the socks right off of your teacher or employer, the after effects will rage on long after you’ve run the race.
When you chase a dream or pursue a passion, and give up everything for it, don’t expect the road to be easy, and certainly don’t expect the pain and the sacrifice to end once you finish.
Embrace the soreness. Understand that great pain comes after great achievement. Push yourself until you can’t feel your legs, and give all you’ve got so that the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that…you’ll still be feeling the reward of a job well done.