Why Resolutions are Whack [and What to do to Really Make Change Happen]

Within the past week, millions of resolutions have been made by people all across the world… lose weight exercise more read a book watch less TV spend more time with my family invest more money …and the majority of people will give up by the end of the month. A definition for resolution says, “finding a solution to a problem” ...

January 6, 2011 Â· 2 min Â· 346 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

6 Things You Must Do When Asking for Help

Over the past month and a half, I’ve been contacting just about everyone I know in an effort to raise $5,000 for charity: water, an organization that donates 100% of its proceeds to building wells in developing nations. I’ve talked [to a great extent] about the need for clean water across the world [and you can check out all the posts by clicking here]. To be honest, it hasn’t been easy, but it’s been incredible to see people give generously and abundantly. I think a lot of us have trouble asking for help. It’s difficult. It’s uncomfortable. It requires a leap of faith. But let me share a little secret with you. ...

December 15, 2010 Â· 3 min Â· 534 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

2 Keys to Increasing Your Real Life Following

Leaders don’t exist without followers. It’s like a peanut butter sandwich trying to exist without bread. A zoo existing without animals. Northeast Ohio without snow. It’s simply not possible. So how do you attract more followers (the real life kind, most importantly, but inevitably the Twitter kind too)? Authenticity and Engagement. The Two Keys Authenticity Don’t hide who you are. Don’t be embarrassed by your interests. Don’t conform to a mold because you think that’s what leaders are supposed to look like. Don’t tweet about sports if you don’t care about sports. We can see right through it when you tell us someone just kicked a touchdown. It’s clear when people are putting on an act. Be who you were created to be. Embrace your passion for stamp collecting or your obsession with scrapbooking. There is no normal. ...

December 6, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 283 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

You’re Missing The Other Why

When something doesn’t work, do you ask why bother or why not? When you’re presented with an opportunity, do you ask why not try it or why should I? When you are considering trying something new (blogging, skiing, college, career change), are you asking why put in the effort or why not give it a whirl? When you’re asking if you should reach out to someone, are you asking why waste my time or why miss this connection? ...

December 1, 2010 Â· 1 min Â· 134 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

Gump on Blogging: 7 Ways Blogging is Just Like Life

Forrest Gump said life was like a box of chocolates. In 2010, I think he’d be more apt to say: Life is like a bunch of blog posts–you never know the impact of you’re gonna write. Blogging creates a platform to influence people, even people who don’t know you beyond your About page. If you’re a blogger, I hope this list inspires you. If you’re thinking about starting a blog, I hope it convinces you to take the plunge. ...

November 30, 2010 Â· 3 min Â· 560 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

Making Moves: How This Blog Just Got 263% More Awesome

Moving is essential. It’s not easy. You’re going to think about going back. But at some point, somewhere along the way, you have to say: It’s time to pull the trigger. I’ve officially dove in head first, my friends. The pool is kind of shallow, and now my neck kind of hurts. You see, I’ve been entertaining [or at least, attempting to entertain] the interwebs for about 15 months, and I decided it was time to ditch the diapers and put on my big boy pants. ...

November 29, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 396 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

17 Nouns I’m Thankful For [and 11 Ways to Show It]

I take things for granted all too often. This is my attempt at realizing how much I have to be thankful for. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but instead just a start of the nouns I’ve been so richly blessed by. ...

November 25, 2010 Â· 2 min Â· 393 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

The Big Problem With You

The word you got you here. You want to know about the big problem you have. It’s interesting that you thought I was talking about you specifically. The Big You Problem I always turn around when I hear my name. It’s a reflex I’ll never shake. ...

November 16, 2010 Â· 3 min Â· 554 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

5 Reasons Why You Must Tell Stories

[This post is part of a continuing series on getting clean water to developing nations. If you want to be a part of giving this story a happy ending, donate $22 and make my birthday wish come true.] As I scribbled down notes from Scott Harrison’s life story and events leading to the founding of charity: water, I somehow felt isolated from the other 13,000 people in Gwinnett Arena. It seemed as if the spotlights on the center of the stage had slowly, simultaneously spun outward, focusing on me. ...

November 8, 2010 Â· 4 min Â· 671 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

22 Ways to Save $22 [and then Give Clean Water]

If you haven’t seen, I’m hocking my birthday so that people in developing nations can have clean water, and I need your help in building a well. If money is tight, I can totally relate. I thought I’d share some ways you can bootstrap it and save some cash to bring the most basic need to some of the most needy people on the planet [and then donate here]. Here are 22 ways you can save money over the next 58 days and give to this incredible cause. ...

November 3, 2010 Â· 6 min Â· 1275 words Â· Jordan Shirkman