A 12-Step Process for Successful Online Fundraising

I recently gave an update on a charity: water project I started in 2010 that raised over $5,000 to help build three wells in Africa. Some of you may wonder how it happened. Outside of a lot of prayer and generosity, it was a simply telling a compelling story (over and over again) that people wanted to be a part of. Below are the 12 steps I took to create a successful online fundraising campaign. Some of these steps may be out of your control, some may need tweaked for your campaign, and some may need thrown out all together. Nonetheless, best of luck on your exciting adventure. ...

February 5, 2013 Â· 4 min Â· 712 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

charity: water Project Update + Infographic

I was recently reminded what a blessing it is when you take an opportunity to change lives. In 2010, I traded my birthday for a chance to build a clean-water well. I created a charity: water campaign to raise $5,000 and thanks to the generosity of many, over $5,000 was raised and a total of 3 wells were built with funds from my campaign and a few others. Here are a few exciting facts about the projects: Location: two wells in Malawi and one in Ethiopia People: 546 people served in Africa Raised: $5,004 from my project. Funding Breakdown: $2,828.17 went to the Adi Arbea Village in northern Ethiopia helping 350 people. $2,063.24 with an additional $852.21 coming from the Causing Life by Catherine Holloway campaign went to the Kamputeni Village in western Malawi serving 39 people as a hand-dug well. $112.59 went to the Kamtambo Village, also a hand-dug well in western Malawi, with $470.50 from Dirk Maas’ campaign and $2,332.36 from Tim & Maureen’s 30th birthday party campaign. ...

January 24, 2013 Â· 2 min Â· 346 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

Best Links of the Week: January 11

Sometimes the Internet features pretty neat things. I sift through all the junk and leave you with the weekly gold, right here. Enjoy. charity: water Project Photos and Stories In November 2010, I started a charity: water project in the hopes of raising $5,000 for clean water. Thanks to the generosity of people who care, (just) over $5,000 was raised. This week I (and many of you) received a report detailing the three projects between Ethiopia and Malawi. 116 donations changed the lives of 534 people. Here’s a great shot of the plaque on the well in Ethiopia, lest we forget how it all happened. ...

January 11, 2013 Â· 2 min Â· 280 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

6 Things You Must Do When Asking for Help

Over the past month and a half, I’ve been contacting just about everyone I know in an effort to raise $5,000 for charity: water, an organization that donates 100% of its proceeds to building wells in developing nations. I’ve talked [to a great extent] about the need for clean water across the world [and you can check out all the posts by clicking here]. To be honest, it hasn’t been easy, but it’s been incredible to see people give generously and abundantly. I think a lot of us have trouble asking for help. It’s difficult. It’s uncomfortable. It requires a leap of faith. But let me share a little secret with you. ...

December 15, 2010 Â· 3 min Â· 534 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

22 Years for $22: The Web’s Best Opportunity

I’m not comfortable asking people for money. I’m especially uncomfortable when I’m offering something of little value. When I was growing up, I hated pushing candy bars. I hated book orders. I hated “selling” anything in fundraising form. I could never quite nail the approach of the sale… “Would you like to buy a [fill in the blank with crappy product] for only [an unreasonable price] so our school doesn’t shut down?” ...

November 22, 2010 Â· 3 min Â· 487 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

The Big Problem With You

The word you got you here. You want to know about the big problem you have. It’s interesting that you thought I was talking about you specifically. The Big You Problem I always turn around when I hear my name. It’s a reflex I’ll never shake. ...

November 16, 2010 Â· 3 min Â· 554 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

My Life According to Water [The 3 Reasons I Can’t Live Without H2O]

[This post is a transcript of a Toastmaster’s Icebreaker speech I gave Wednesday, November 10, 2010. If you’re a reader, scroll down. If you’re a listener, press play. If you like sing alongs, press play and then scroll down. If you’re about curious what I look like when I give speeches, well, that’s taken care of too. I’ve found togas command respect.] My Life According to Water by jshirk Water is life’s mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water. – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Albert and I are on the same page. I think water is incredibly important. More than just being the precursor to the “ice” of an ice breaker, water is life. I’ve identified three key dimensions in my life that revolve around water. Drinking water helps me complete my daily activities. Living water, my faith in God that guides me, and charity: water, an organization that has inspired me to help people gain access to clean water on the other side of the globe. ...

November 11, 2010 Â· 5 min Â· 1048 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

5 Reasons Why You Must Tell Stories

[This post is part of a continuing series on getting clean water to developing nations. If you want to be a part of giving this story a happy ending, donate $22 and make my birthday wish come true.] As I scribbled down notes from Scott Harrison’s life story and events leading to the founding of charity: water, I somehow felt isolated from the other 13,000 people in Gwinnett Arena. It seemed as if the spotlights on the center of the stage had slowly, simultaneously spun outward, focusing on me. ...

November 8, 2010 Â· 4 min Â· 671 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

The charity: water Birthday Campaign Q&A

Over the past few days, I’ve encountered a number of questions about my campaign to raise $5,000 for charity: water for my birthday. First, thanks for asking. I’m blessed to know you care. Here are the questions. If you have more, I’d love to answer them. Why? I’d love to be a hipster and just say “Why not?”, but that’d leave us both feeling a little empty. ...

November 4, 2010 Â· 4 min Â· 712 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

22 Ways to Save $22 [and then Give Clean Water]

If you haven’t seen, I’m hocking my birthday so that people in developing nations can have clean water, and I need your help in building a well. If money is tight, I can totally relate. I thought I’d share some ways you can bootstrap it and save some cash to bring the most basic need to some of the most needy people on the planet [and then donate here]. Here are 22 ways you can save money over the next 58 days and give to this incredible cause. ...

November 3, 2010 Â· 6 min Â· 1275 words Â· Jordan Shirkman