charity: water Project Update + Infographic

I was recently reminded what a blessing it is when you take an opportunity to change lives. In 2010, I traded my birthday for a chance to build a clean-water well. I created a charity: water campaign to raise $5,000 and thanks to the generosity of many, over $5,000 was raised and a total of 3 wells were built with funds from my campaign and a few others. Here are a few exciting facts about the projects: Location: two wells in Malawi and one in Ethiopia People: 546 people served in Africa Raised: $5,004 from my project. Funding Breakdown: $2,828.17 went to the Adi Arbea Village in northern Ethiopia helping 350 people. $2,063.24 with an additional $852.21 coming from the Causing Life by Catherine Holloway campaign went to the Kamputeni Village in western Malawi serving 39 people as a hand-dug well. $112.59 went to the Kamtambo Village, also a hand-dug well in western Malawi, with $470.50 from Dirk Maas’ campaign and $2,332.36 from Tim & Maureen’s 30th birthday party campaign. ...

January 24, 2013 · 2 min · 346 words · Jordan Shirkman