Quick Tip: Getting Deals on Apps with App Shopper

I’m unashamedly an app lover. My wife and I joke about who spends more money on their favorite things–me on apps or her on clothes. We’ve ruled it a toss up for now. To stretch my app budget as far as possible, I keep an eye on apps and snag them when they are on sale. The best way I’ve found to track apps and be alerted at discounts is through the app and website App Shopper. ...

July 22, 2014 Â· 2 min Â· 240 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

Quick Tip: The Friendly Way to Clean Up Your Twitter and Facebook Timelines

It’s easy to be overwhelmed the constant information churn on social networks. “Friends” and people we follow are continuously posting. Unfortunately, sometimes that content is worthless, but you don’t want to unfriend or unfollow someone for whatever reason. Here are 3 quick ways to clean up the clutter in your Twitter and Facebook timelines. 1. Turn off an individual user’s retweets on Twitter. Go to the users profile on Twitter.com, like <twitter.com/nshirkman> Click on the cog on the right side of their profile Click “Turn off Retweets” ...

July 1, 2014 Â· 2 min Â· 318 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

Quick Tip: Turning Off Your Mac Dashboard

This is a new segment of tips I’ll publish each Tuesday that only take a minute to read and implement. Kudos to one of my favorite websites, The Sweet Setup for their quick tips and inspiration for these posts. The Mac Dashboard (the screen to the left of all your other screens and has widgets you can add to it) has become a ghost town. I’ve almost seen a tumbleweed roll across mine. Since I have an affinity for getting rid of stuff I don’t need, I dug into how to nix the Dashboard. ...

June 23, 2014 Â· 2 min Â· 248 words Â· Jordan Shirkman