Understanding and Dealing With Work That Is Never Finished

As our working world shifts from assembly lines and manual labor to a knowledge economy where we get paid for ideas instead of physical tasks, there’s an increasing likelihood you’ll be taking your work home with you. When you work on an assembly line, there’s not a whole lot you can do after hours. You might think about how you can process pieces faster or ways to be more efficient in your role, but you’re not lugging home a press, conveyor belt or pneumatic drill. Work is at work. When you arrive home, work is no longer part of the equation. ...

May 2, 2013 · 6 min · 1151 words · Jordan Shirkman

30 Questions to Evaluate Your Work Performance

Feedback is one of our greatest assets in life. Unfortunately, we don’t always get it as often as we’d like or sometimes at all. Instead of waiting for someone to give me insight, I crafted 30 questions to ask myself to see how I’m doing from my perspective. Hopefully these questions will help you become more self-aware and more effective in the work you’re doing. ...

March 19, 2013 · 3 min · 514 words · Jordan Shirkman

Fighting The Resistance

Today I told The Resistance to shut up. It wasn’t easy. But I did it (and when it questioned me, I asked “Did I stutter?“) You see, The Resistance is a deceiver. It distracts and deters and diminishes and defiles. It tells you lies. Lies like: You can put off that project until next quarter. You don’t need to reach out to people. The status quo is all that can be expected. It’s the voice in the back of your head that all too often wins out. ...

October 27, 2010 · 2 min · 272 words · Jordan Shirkman