
Best Links of the Week: January 11

Sometimes the Internet features pretty neat things. I sift through all the junk and leave you with the weekly gold, right here. Enjoy.

best links of the week

charity: water Project Photos and Stories

In November 2010, I started a charity: water project in the hopes of raising $5,000 for clean water. Thanks to the generosity of people who care, (just) over $5,000 was raised. This week I (and many of you) received a report detailing the three projects between Ethiopia and Malawi.

116 donations changed the lives of 534 people.

Here’s a great shot of the plaque on the well in Ethiopia, lest we forget how it all happened.

When The U.S. Paid Off The Entire National Debt (And Why It Didn’t Last)

A senator rose to make the big announcement: “Gentlemen … the national debt … is PAID.”

That was the one time in U.S. history when the country was debt free. It lasted exactly one year.

Seth’s Blog: Clean bathrooms

If you take a lot of time to ask, “how will this pay off,” you’re probably asking the wrong question.

A quick reminder of why we do the dirty work, even if it’s non-essential.

The Verses Project

A fairly regular posting on verses to memorize from the Bible, often times with attachments of iPhone and iPad wallpapers.

If a verse contains a higher number of attachments, it’s likely to contain wallpapers. If it’s only one attachment, it probably doesn’t have wallpapers.

Here are a few neat verse wallpapers from The Verses Project.


GIFs of the Spirit from the king of gestures, John Piper.

My personal favorite is John Piper doing this.

Question: What were your favorite links you found this week?
