When you write things and post them online, you become vulnerable. People may disagree with you. Tell you you’re wrong. Ignore you.
The fear of how other people will respond can be paralyzing. So you have to decide: will I share things with the world or will I keep them to myself?
As if the paralysis of human response wasn’t enough for a blog, I’ve started another project: a podcast.
Photo provided by Gratisography
I’m collaborating with my favorite human and better half, Niki, to start a podcast called Unpacked with the goal of sharing things we love, things we’re struggling with and things we’re learning. We want to encourage others, share information and start conversations that matter.
It takes a lot of work to create a single podcast. [footnote]You need microphones. A domain. A place to host your files. You have to make artwork and you need to do some editing to make it sound more like a radio station and less like a couple twentysomethings chatting into tin cans.[/footnote] We sure hope it’s worth it.
We wanted to craft a show we wanted to listen to. In each episode, we share our conversations around a specific topic relevant to life as a 21st century Christian. No matter the topic, we’re approaching it from a Christian worldview, with the hopes of enjoying the gifts God has given us or sharing the challenges we still haven’t quite figure out.
If you’re encouraged, if you get a laugh, if you feel empowered to start a conversation about things that matter, then we’ve accomplished what we set out to do.
We released Episode 0 – Why Start a Podcast where we take a stab at why we started a podcast and Episode 1 – The B Word: Budgeting today.
We will release two episodes a month to start, on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. That’s a strange schedule, but it’s what’s possible for a hobby in the midst of preparing to move overseas and do everything else we’ve committed to well. To subscribe to the podcast, you can click here to receive updates by email or here to subscribe in your podcatcher of choice.
If you like our show, it would mean the world to us if you’d rate our podcast in iTunes, because that’s how other people can find us.
Thanks for all of your encouragement in all our endeavors. We’re excited for you to join our conversation.