I take things for granted all too often.
This is my attempt at realizing how much I have to be thankful for. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but instead just a start of the nouns I’ve been so richly blessed by.
1. Waking up every morning knowing I am accepted and forgiven as a child of God [which will forever be a mystery]
2. A family that loves me and encourages me [and blows me away with their support]
3. A wonderful woman I don’t deserve [and who loves me despite my flaws]
4. Clean water [and the opportunity to bring it to others]
5. Living in the best country in the world [and objectively knowing it]
6. The opportunity to attend college [and all that the experience has brought me]
7. Hilarious roommates [and the log cabin we live in]
8. Friends that inspire me to do great things [and their decisions to run alongside me]
9. Christmas Blend [and all that is a coffee shop between Thanksgiving and Christmas, especially]
10. Books [especially Seth’s and the impact they’ve had on me]
11. Blogging [and the opportunities this outlet has brought me]
12. Football [and the way Cleveland sports has made me tougher]
13. Viral Videos [and the way they help people move out of the ghetto]
14. Free shipping [and the joys of getting packages in the mail for much cheaper than you get the same item unpackaged at the store]
15. Fitness [and all that it’s helped me achieve]
16. My job [and colleagues who make it a joy to come to work]
17. Cookies [because they taste so good]
Today, let’s not just say what we’re thankful for. Let’s do something about it.
- Tell the people in your life that you’re grateful for their impact and influence
- Thank the Lord through prayers
- Write a note [with your hand!] to someone you appreciate
- Donate to someone who isn’t as fortunate as you
- Volunteer to ring a bell or dish out soup to help those in need
- Let someone know you love them
- Buy coffee for a stranger
- At thanksgiving dinner, ask everyone to share what they appreciate about the person next to them
- Help someone anonymously
- Share what you have
- Do something difficult with the platform and opportunities you have
Let’s make this the most thankful year yet.