
Fix It or Leave It: How to Coach People Without Stepping on Toes

It’s easy for me to think my way is the correct way (which is clearly linked to my impatience and pride). Obviously, my way isn’t always right, isn’t the only right way, and isn’t necessarily the best way.

When you’re leading, I think the best way to empower team members is to give them clear expectations about where you’re heading and what you hope to achieve (vision) while also giving them the freedom to work how they feel best (flexibility).

Sometimes people do things in ways we don’t think is best. That’s when letting them stay flexible is hard. A sudden urge to micro-manage boils up when they say things we don’t agree with. Or if they act in ways we wouldn’t act.


Sometimes they are wrong. They need to be corrected. Someone (you, if you’re the leader) needs to talk with them.

Other times the way they do or say something that gets under your skin. It bothers you and rubs you the wrong way. But it’s actually not fundamentally wrong or hurtful or even in need of correction. It’s just preference. Continue reading


The Email Secret Stores and Your Family Don’t Want You to Know

Email is a necessary evil and a wonderful tool for communication. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

I wanted email to waste less of my time and be more effective. I’ve created a system that I wanted to share to help you filter your email to save time, see the important stuff and still not miss out on good but less urgent things (like sales from your favorite brands).

Here’s what I do. This process is for anyone using Gmail or a Google Apps account, but I’d imagine (or hope) similar ideas could be applied to other email services.

I’ll share the general guidelines first and then get into the nitty gritty.


Regaining Control of Your Inbox Through Filters and Labels

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14 Invaluable Leadership Lessons I Learned from Living Abroad

Leading overseas is exactly like leading in your home country. Except you don’t speak the language, know the customs or feel emotionally stable.

After living in Slovenia for the last 6 months and leading a team of incredible friends as we trust God for a student-led movement following Jesus, I’ve learned a few things. This is the advice I’d give if I could give a pep-talk to my pre-departure self.

leaders hands in

1. Acknowledge that you are under-qualified.

Two weeks of training and one year of vocational ministry experience before moving to a country where you don’t speak the language is not enough to be qualified. My team of recent college grads were all as qualified as I was to lead a team. Unfortunately, everyone was completely perplexed about what it would take to build a movement of college students making disciples of Jesus.

Embrace all of your inadequacies. You can’t lead on your own, but God can lead through you. Continue reading


How to Effortlessly Use MailChimp for Awesome E-Mail Newsletters

We all receive more email than we know what to do with. I receive a lot of email from other missionaries sharing their update letters. I love reading those letters and hearing about how the Lord is using my friends around the world.

Unfortunately, my friends who send a massive BCC email have no clue how many people are actually opening their emails. Knowing who is reading about your ministry (or group, company or organization) is incredibly valuable. My favorite service for large group e-mailing is MailChimp. It simply blows normal emailing out of the water, and it’s incredibly easy to use.

how and why to use mailchimp

Here’s why:
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One Question to Instantly Improve All of Your Relationships

During our pre-marital counseling, our pastor shared  a key question that has changed nearly every relationship in my life.

The question is simple.

Am I believing the best about this person?

When someone shows up late to a meeting. When the dishes aren’t done. When the trash smells and hasn’t been taken out. When you haven’t heard from someone in ages. When your emails go without a response for weeks. When something is said that cuts to your core.

It’s incredible what the benefit of the doubt does in a relationship.

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