The Process for Answering Tough Questions About Christianity

Every day I talk with students who ask nearly impossible questions about Jesus, Christianity and the Bible. I don’t have all the answers (and I never will). Thankfully, that’s not what God requires of Christians to share our faith. This isn’t a perfect process, but it is a way to equip yourself in answering questions like “How can we trust the Bible?” and “Was Jesus really God?” Instead of answering specific questions, I’d rather share ways to prepare to answer tough questions and pass along a few resources you can start checking out today. The Process...

June 10, 2013 Â· 4 min Â· 755 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

Why Long Lists Online are Worthless and How to Fix Them

Long lists attract people. 100 ways to lose weight overnight without trying 97 things Jesus never said but you wish he did 223 ways to make a rocket ship out of a broken paper clip I think lengthy lists can be valuable, especially when they contain helpful resources in niche areas. I’m pro-list, as I’ve crafted my fair share of them. I made a list of 14 lessons I learned from living and leading abroad, the 28 things you need to know to teach yourself design, and 30 questions to evaluate your work performance. However, Matt Ragland’s post at Life, Prioritized on the problem with long lists challenged me. Here’s what Matt says, ...

May 13, 2013 Â· 5 min Â· 1010 words Â· Jordan Shirkman

11 Ways You Can Instantly Destroy Boredom Into a Million Pieces

I haven’t been bored since 2007. That was my freshman year of college when I thought taking 12 credit hours was exhausting and I took three naps each afternoon. I’ve fallen in love with learning over the last few years. I always have something new on my radar to learn. Coding. A new language. A skill to refine. Learning prevents me from accruing multi-nap days and it helps make my life matter. Below, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite ways to destroy boredom. **...

April 12, 2013 Â· 6 min Â· 1069 words Â· Jordan Shirkman