Summing Your Life Up in One Sentence: Finding a Holy Ambition

A life well lived can be summed up in one sentence. Abraham Lincoln isn’t known for all of his failures (often grossly exaggerated but present nonetheless)–his failed businesses, battling depression and unsuccessful attempts at a few other political offices. He’s known for abolishing slavery and reuniting the United States of America. One sentence about a man who changed the world. His decisions were unpopular with a hefty chunk of his constituents, but we look back on him as one of the greatest presidents (and men) our country has ever been graced with. Bill Gates decided to change his sentence from one about putting a computer on the desk of everyone in America to one about charity and being a voice for generosity. He used his skills and his platform to pursue what he deemed was a more important goal. He decided to rewrite his sentence. There’s a long list of people living with unrelenting, singularly-focused visions for their lives and their hopes for others. ...

September 3, 2013 · 4 min · 801 words · Jordan Shirkman

11 Ways You Can Instantly Destroy Boredom Into a Million Pieces

I haven’t been bored since 2007. That was my freshman year of college when I thought taking 12 credit hours was exhausting and I took three naps each afternoon. I’ve fallen in love with learning over the last few years. I always have something new on my radar to learn. Coding. A new language. A skill to refine. Learning prevents me from accruing multi-nap days and it helps make my life matter. Below, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite ways to destroy boredom. **...

April 12, 2013 · 6 min · 1069 words · Jordan Shirkman

Best Links of the Week: January 11

Sometimes the Internet features pretty neat things. I sift through all the junk and leave you with the weekly gold, right here. Enjoy. charity: water Project Photos and Stories In November 2010, I started a charity: water project in the hopes of raising $5,000 for clean water. Thanks to the generosity of people who care, (just) over $5,000 was raised. This week I (and many of you) received a report detailing the three projects between Ethiopia and Malawi. 116 donations changed the lives of 534 people. Here’s a great shot of the plaque on the well in Ethiopia, lest we forget how it all happened. ...

January 11, 2013 · 2 min · 280 words · Jordan Shirkman

Tension Turns Your Brain to Mush (The Catalyst 2010 Day 1 Recap)

My brain feels like a Stretch Armstrong. It’s been effectively pulled into 20 directions, and I’m working on reshaping it so it’s not flowing out of my ears. I’m in Atlanta for the Catalyst Conference–a two-day event that inspires young (and certainly old) leaders in The Church to “stop doing church and start being the church” (Thanks, Christine). The sheer content of yesterday’s six sessions reminding us that “Tension is Good” was enough to go home with and mull over for weeks (probably more like months). Today we’re going back at it again. ...

October 8, 2010 · 4 min · 689 words · Jordan Shirkman